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Do You Want Consistent $10k+ Months In Your Massage Practice Without Overworking?

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“Laura Wieck's Massage Business Masterclass has been no less than magical in my career transition.”


Create a Profitable Massage Practice without Overworking Yourself or Charging Less Than You are Worth! 

This course provides you with the business strategy to build your thriving massage practice and makes it simple for you to:

  • Attract ideal clients into your business and fill your schedule with ease

  • Create a Mindful Marketing strategy

  • Position your services for maximum profitability 

  • Establish yourself as an expert while serving clients with love

  • Communicate your value and sell your services without feeling pushy or 'salesy'

  • Increase your income without overbooking yourself

  • ... and much, MUCH more!

$997 ONLY $97!

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Laura Wieck

Coach, Author, Speaker, Massage Therapist

As the founder of The BodyMind Coaching Program, she supports wellness professionals who have big visions simplify how they serve, change how they get paid and improve client results along the way.

Using the strategy she teaches in the Massage Business Masterclass, she grew her massage practice to $10,000 months with only 15-20 clients/week!

Now you can, too!

Massage School Prepared You To Treat Your Clients...

But, when it comes to building a profitable massage practice, it's all about understanding how to grow your business strategically and effectively. 

When you take ownership of how your business runs and treat it with the same love and respect you give to your clients, you can create a thriving Massage Practice that supports your health and wellbeing as well.

When you are supported, you naturally give even more to your amazing clients!

This isn't about being pushy or salesy... this is about creating a profitable heart-centered business that allows you to serve your clients even more.

Ready To Have A Thriving Massage Practice?

Get The Massage Business Masterclass!

$997 ONLY $97!

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Many Massage Therapists suffer from the idea you have to stay ‘affordable’ in order to bring clients into your practice.

 (If I just triggered the voice in your head that is saying, ‘Laura, I HAVE to stay affordable or else my clients will leave’… keep reading).

But nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, that mentality may be the exact thing that is keeping you stuck. 

But that's not the end of the problem. It actually gets worse.



Because with so many Massage Therapists making less and less money they are constantly running around trying to get more and more clients into their schedule.

When you are limited by the hours you can physically work, you need to be able to maximize your profits so you don’t burn out. 

And when you have to see more clients just to make ends meet, you are in a constant cycle feeling overworked, underpaid, exhausted and on a path to burnout. 

Here's Why:

  • Lowering your prices to compete with other therapists/franchises sends the wrong messages to potential clients. 

  • After offering a discount/free service, you feel guilty charging full price for your services so you continue the cycle of low prices… for years!

  • Low pricing tends to attract clients who are late, cancel last minute or don’t show up at all.

  • The cycle repeats and you are the one who is left exhausted!

The key to attracting ideal clients, increasing your income and having consistency in your schedule is shifting from being ‘affordable’ to being ‘VALUABLE’. 

I Was Able To Make $10,000/month Without Seeing More Than 15-20 Clients/Week 

When I first started my business, I felt prepared to deliver an incredible massage. I was ready to stretch, knead and trigger point my clients pain and stress away. There was only one problem…

I needed clients. 

I thought having the hands-on skills would be enough to fill my schedule with the best clients in my area and that if I could just get my hands on people, it would be enough for them to reschedule and pay full price.

Instead… I kept getting the same question… ‘do you offer discounts?’ 

Or I would get the person who said, 'If you give me a free massage, I’ll refer you to my friends.’

(FYI- they never did refer me to anyone!)

But, I needed the money. So I would give away a free session, offer insane discounts or spend extra time with clients hoping that, if I could prove how good I was, it would be enough for them to rebook at full price. 

Something Needed To Change...

I was exhausted and barely making enough to cover my bills. I was constantly running around and trying to convince to people reschedule and I had no energy left for me.

I knew I had to get away from the ‘give it away for free’ mentality that is common in this business so I began investing in business programs outside of the massage industry. 

What happened in the process shocked me...

I Fell In Love With Business & Marketing and here's what I learned:

Having an effective marketing strategy in place is another way you serve your clients.


When your Business is structured to support you, it allows you to show up fully and serve your clients to your highest capacity. 

When I focused on adding value to my clients (fyi- adding value does not mean giving massages away for free!), they saw me as an expert who would help them acheive the results they wanted in their life. 

The results blew my mind. I cut my client load and half while doubling my income to $10,000/month consistently. 

I raised my rates and was still booked a month+ in advanced with a waiting list of clients who were eager to work with me. 

The crazy part… clients were HAPPY to pay me full price for my services. 

Laura Wieck's Massage Business Masterclass & BodyMind Coaching Program have been no less than magical in my career transition.


"After years of working for an employer in another field, I recognized that I wanted to create the life of my dreams by owning my own business where I could call the shots & there was no limit to my success. I set the intention to embrace the practice of massage therapy as well as the business side, and boom, Laura & her programs fell in my lap & gave me the direction I needed to take off. 

I started out making $1000 the first two months, and with the guidance of Laura, & the tools of the program, at only 6 months into owning my own business, I am making my first goal of $4,000 a month. And this is just the beginning! 

The awesome thing is I'm not over working myself because I know my value & I also attract ideal clients that I simply adore. This program has kept me pumped, given me amazing tools to create what I want, establish healthy boundaries, know my worth, & has stretched me out of my comfort zone into a land of opportunity & awesomeness. 

I know you get out whatever you put in, so if you're ready to create the business of your dreams, I highly recommend you dive i n & go for this amazing ride with Laura. Your future self will thank you!"

Elise W.

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Laura’s coaching program has been a game changer for me and my practice.

'The value she delivers in this program exceeds any other coaching I’ve invested in, including high-priced one-on-one coaches. She is an intuitive, heart-centered coach, with the business savvy to take you wherever you want to go. 

Using what I learned in the program, I’m now working less hours in a week and making twice as much as I was before. Laura meets you where you’re at and expertly guides you to where you want to go. I am so grateful I’ve found Laura and the Massage Business Masters Program.’

Brenna M.

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“Working with Laura has been fabulous for both myself personally and my business. She is enthusiastic and always willing to help, but she’s also a great listener. If you are committed to your success and open to change Laura is the missing link you’ve been looking for to help get you there.”

Gibby B.

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

Ready To Have A Thriving Massage Practice?

Get The Massage Business Masterclass!

$997 ONLY $97!

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Instant Access To This Course Includes:

  • 6 modules to create your personalized marketing strategy that include (Value of $3,000):

  • Video Trainings that will empower you to love your marketing

  • Guest interviews from business experts

  • Action sheets to take what you are learning and put it to work so you get results

  • Client Scripts to help you confidently ask for rebookings, referals, and enforce your cancellation policy with love

Module 1: Your Business Sweet Spot

You are the heart of your business. When your business is built on your natural gifts, talents, experiences and trainings, you create a ‘sweet spot’ where the competition disappears. By creating your unique niche, you will easily break away from the crowd of ‘average’ therapists and claim your expert level status! 

Module 2: Your Ideal Client

One of the most common mistakes people make in their business is not clarifying their ideal client. In this module, we are going to dive deep into identifying who you work best with and how you can help them better than anyone else. At the end of this module, you will know your ideal client even better than they know themselves.

Module 3: Services That Sell

You don’t just offer massage, you offer results! In this module, you'll learn how to position your services for maximum profitability and create service descriptions that inspire your clients to book!  

Module 4: Empowered Pricing

It’s time to ditch the drastic discounts and feel good about your pricing! This module is dedicated to helping you break through your money blocks and created a pricing strategy that will allow you to increase your income without burning out.

Module 5: Mindful Marketing

Marketing yourself and your business doesn’t have to be hard or overwhelming. In fact, how you market your business is another way you serve your clients. In this module, you will learn how to market your business with love... what I call 'Mindful Marketing'.  

Module 6: Creating Client Loyalty

Long-term success is rooted in client loyalty. In this module, you'll discover how small, simple strategies can turn first-time clients into lifelong clients. 

Plus these bonuses!

BONUS How To Raise Your Rates: Take the guess work out of this essential business practice and learn to honor your clients and raise your rates with love and ease.

BONUS Your Profitable Online Presence: In this bonus module you'll learn how to create a social media presence that attracts ideal clients into your business. 

BONUS How to Create High-End Programs: Learn how to break free from trading your time for money and create programs that help your clients achieve transformational results from your work.

Everything included is a value of over $6,000. Similar programs range from $5,000-$10,000.

Ready To Have A Thriving Massage Practice?

Get The Massage Business Masterclass!

$997 ONLY $97!

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How The Course Works

The Massage Business MasterClass holds the key to your success with building your dream massage business.

Click the 'GET INSTANT ACCESS NOW’ button and you will be taken to the checkout page. Once your order is processed, your username/password will be emailed to you and you’re ready to start!

All modules are unlocked and available for you. We recommend going through each module one week at a time so you can put what you're learning to work.  

You have lifetime access to all program materials so you can reference this training for years to come!

Consider this...

How much longer can you work at this rate before you are completely burnt out?

How much longer do you want your business to own you and your life? 

How much longer do you want to chase clients down with discounts that you know do not reflect the true value of your work?

Your business is structured to support you first, you are able to give even more to your clients.

You have a choice… you can either keep playing small and let your clients run you, your schedule and your life or you can finally build a business that fills you up first so that you can give abundantly to those you serve... 

The choice is yours. 

Ready To Have A Thriving Massage Practice?

Get The Massage Business Masterclass!

$997 ONLY $97!

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"Laura is pure awesome. She practices what she preaches and PUSHES you in a very loving way to stop aiming for perfection and to get into action. The breakthrough’s are incredible and if you are looking for someone to follow, follow Laura. Get serious about where you want to go in your business. 

The only way to gain massive momentum is to join her group. There are other serious members who are there for the same reason. To just be better at what they do, and the best part? Support, support, support. STOP thinking about it. JUST DO IT !”

Julie S.

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"Laura, I am glad I joined your program. My business is great - I have my 20 clients a week, I am booked out week to two weeks out !!!!! I don't have to stress about if I will be able to pay my bills. (I am much nicer wife now ;) ). Thanks to YOU!!!”

Vinetta C.

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

“Before Laura came into my life, I was searching for the right class or technique to use to make me successful in what I do. Laura helped me to understand that all the skills I have are good enough. The shift that needed to occur, need to occur within me and how I communicate with my clients. Through working with Laura, I have learned how to position my services effectively and, in turn, my business is booming!”

Kimberlee M.

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I’ve never taken an online course like this. How does it work?

When you enroll in The Massage Business Masterclass, you’ll receive instant access so you can get started right away.  

Each lesson is comprised of a series of short video and audio tutorials. There are also downloadable worksheets to help you apply your learning to your business as you work through the course.  

All the course content along with the bonuses is housed in a private membership site, just for Massage Business Masterclass members -- you’ll receive your login information immediately after signing up.

2. Will it work? Will The Massage Business Masterclass really help me build my dream business?  

I wish I could say without a doubt that The Massage Business Masterclass will definitely work for you but I just can’t make that promise. Why? Because the truth is, I’m not in control of whether you’ll implement what

I teach after investing in it!  

But after using the strategies that I teach in this course myself and having taught them to hundreds of other body workers who have successfully implemented them to grow their businesses, I know without a doubt that they will work if you do!

3. I live and work in a small town. Will the strategies you teach really work for me?  

Absolutely! In fact one of my most successful students, Julie, is from a teeny tiny town in New York. By implementing what she learned in The Massage Business Masterclass, Julie has halved her client load, halved her working hours and more than doubled her rates! If Julie can do it, I know you can too!

4. Is there any point in enrolling if I work for someone else?


Oh my gosh, YES! Whether you work on your own or for someone else, you are the business. The skills you learn in The Massage Business Masterclass will help you communicate more effectively with your clients, improve repeat bookings, and increase your referral rates.

5. I’m still in school. Is The Massage Business Masterclass for me?  

YES! The Massage Business Masterclass will teach you everything you need to know about running a successful bodywork practice so you can hit the ground running (and avoid all the mistakes newbies typically make!) once you graduate.

6. I’m just not sure I’m ready to make this investment…


When it comes down it, the question of whether The Massage Business Masterclass is worth the investment is really up to you.  

Of course, you could instead find thousands of articles online containing conflicting advice and guidance and spend endless hours sorting through them and testing what works.  

Or you could make a one-time investment in The Massage Business Masterclass and receive lifetime access to the exact steps I used to transform my massage business and with it, my life and happiness.  

The bottom line is this:  

When you decide to join, you’re investing in more than just an online program - you’re investing in your future. 

Ready To Have A Thriving Massage Practice?

Get The Massage Business Masterclass!

$997 ONLY $97!

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